Lashes: FAQ & How To
What is HerrLash?
HerrLash is HerrBeauty's DIY Lash Extension System designed with lash health at the utmost importance. Segmented lashes are applied underneath your natural lash for a seamless application that lasts for multiple days.
Are the lashes waterproof?
You must wait 24 hours before getting your lashes wet. You can swim, shower, wash your face, do water sports, etc while wearing the lashes, and they will not come off. The bond will soften so be sure to fuse them once they are dried.
Are these lashes hypoallergenic?
Our lashes and all of our products are free of common allergens.
How do I clean my lashes for reuse?
Remove lashes and soak in Isopropyl alcohol for a few hours. You will then be able to wipe the adhesive away from the band using a lash cleansing wand. Be gentle to fibers are not pulled from the band.
Pro Tips:
Use a tilting magnifying mirror to see the lash line better.
Curl your natural lashes.
Use Lash Sealant on the arms of the Scepter when securing the lashes to prevent sticking.
Do not secure the lashes with the Scepter until you are happy with your placement.
Do not get discouraged if you don't get it right away. You may need a few tries to get the correct angle and placement.
You will need : Oil-free makeup remover or isopropyl alcohol, lash segments, Herr cluster lash bond, and Scepter.
Remove all makeup using an oil-free makeup remover on a lint free pad.
Use Prime Time Lash Prep to prepare lashes for application.
Make sure lashes are dry before proceeding.
Step 2 : Apply the Bond.
It is important to remember less is more.
Apply bond only to underside of natural lashes, about 1-2mm from waterline. Applying too close will affect the longevity. White bone dries clear and is forgiving!
Wait approximately 30 seconds until the bond becomes sticky.
You can move to the next step while waiting.
Step 4 : Apply Bond to Lash Segment
This step is optional; however, most users get longer wear by adding this step. Apply the bond on the inside of the band only (the side that will attach to the natural lash, avoid getting the bond on the lashes or the Scepter.
If bond gets on the Scepter, the lash segment will stick to the Scepter and make it difficult for the segment to attach to your natural lash. This is a common error, don't get discouraged. Once you get used to applying the lashes you will learn the proper placement and amount of bond to use. If the lash segments are sticking to the Scepter, wipe the Scepter clean with alcohol or oil- free makeup remover and start again.
Apply the lash segment to the natural lash. Our lashes are meant to be completely customizable, which means there is not only one way that you apply, you need to find which way works best for you. The main thing to note here is that you are placing the lashes about 1-2mm away from the waterline. Once they are placed, you can hold there for a few seconds and then let go. The lash should stick to the area it was placed. If it pulls off with the Scepter, wipe your Scepter with a wipe and try again. Continue to place segments, slightly overlapping the edges for a seamless application. If your bond is too wet, your lash segment will not stick!
Step 6 : Securing the lash segments
Once all segments are applied and you are satisfied with the placement, position lashes between the arms of the Scepter and clamp together. This will ensure the lash segments are secure to your natural lash. This is the most important step of the application to ensure longevity. The Scepter is designed to fit the curvature of the eye for this purpose.
Steps to Remove
Fully saturate a lint-free cotton ball or pad with Pretty In Pink cluster lash remover and gently press down, holding the pad over lashes for about 30 seconds. Lashes will loosen and you can wipe them away. Other brands that work well Marcelle, Equate, Neutrogena dual phase eye makeup remover.
Do not pull if there is resistance. Repeat Step 1 and let the remover do the work
If there is excess residue on the natural lash, apply lash cleansing gel. Let gel sit for 30 seconds and wipe with lint-free pad.
Note: Adhesive should not be excessive on your natural lash. When applying your segments, adhesive should be mainly focused on the band of the segment and/or the base of the natural lash.
Steps To Reuse
Soak in isopropyl alcohol until adhesive becomes tacky.
Excess adhesive on lash segment will be visible. You can rub the adhesive off using cleansing wand.
Reuse segments up to 3 times.